KEMET Electronics Macedonia – a YAGEO Company

Primary School “Kire Gavrilovski Jane”



Water Treatment plant

Skopje International Airport

Structure of the Macedonian army

Tobacco factory « Dajmon Gorica »

Fur Industry “Dimko Mitrev”


Zito Vardar offices

Private house

Administrative building of HEC Globocica

LUKOIL gas stations Bitola

House for juveniles

Faculty of music art

Refuges camp

Bank “Komercijalna banka”

Daut Pasin amam (Art galery)

Police forensic laboratory

Institute for rehabilitation

Protection contre la foudre par les paratonnerres Prevectron d'Indelec

Suzuki and VOLVO importer “MAXIMA”

Batiment protégé contre la foudre par Indelec

PORSCHE sale and service center for VW & Audi

Protection contre la foudre international par Indelec

Institute for radiology and oncology

Indelec - Installation de paratonnerres dans le monde

Ford importer MI-DA

Indelec - Protection contre la foudre

Ministry of Defence Head building

Indelec - Références protection foudre

Prilep Brewery

Buildings in Struga

Company for fireproof material and bricks “Crvena Zvezda


Elementary school

Electricity Power Company of Macedonia Head office of HEC Mavrovo

Private house

Institute for radiology and onkology

Faculty of economy

Factory for leaven and alkohol

Electro distribute company

Hidro electric poverstation

Radar centre

Boat garage in Iake Ohrid port

Food Industry MIK – Sv. Nikole

Food industry VITAMINKA

TV station channel 4

New Hotel “Stone Bridge”

Site of NATO

Shopping Centre Vero II

University “Kiril i Metodij” faculty for Philology and Philosophy

Skopje International Airport

Millenium Cross

Hotel Millenium palace

Macedonian Parliament

Macedonian national theatre

Monastery comples “Kalishta”

Hotel Inex Gorica

Hotel Biser

Hotel Alexandar Palas

FON – University Skopje

Complex of the Clearing House and National Bank

City stadium

Church complex « Sveti Spas »

Termika 2

Microsam AD – Production of composite materials